Adventure (UK)/Arkenstone (US) Adventure game by Mark Ramshaw Published in Zap! Pow! Boom! Arcade Games for the VIC-20 For the Commodore VIC-20 (UN) Synopsis: An evil dragon has stolen the mythical arkenstone from the dwarves. It is up to you to recover it. Solution: You begin the game in South Mirkwood. Go north (GO N.) and collect the spear (PICK SPEAR.), then explore the area until you encounter the dragon. The dragon moves randomly and could appear anywhere, and it also moves the arkenstone to random locations. When you find the dragon, kill it (SKEWER DRAGON SPEAR.). Now continue exploring until you find the arkenstone. When you have found the arkenstone, type PICK ARKENSTONE. followed by RECOVER ARKENSTONE. Note: When typing commands, you must press Return after each word and put a full stop after the final word. Credits: Solved by R.M. Smedley, June 2018.