VIC-20 Listings

Magazines > L'Ordinateur Individuel

L'Ordinateur Individuel (FR)

L'Ordinateur Individuel (The Personal Computer) was a French multi-format magazine founded in 1978. It published practical articles, hardware & software reviews, program listings, tips & tricks, etc. In Sep 2010 it was merged with Science et Vie Micro to become L'Ordinateur Individuel-SVM. In Apr 2013 it merged with Micro Hebdo, and both magazines were replaced with Note: Some issues have not been scanned, so there could potentially be missing programs from this magazine.

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14 programs

Program Author Requirements Files Info
Panique au fond des mers
(Panic at the bottom of the seas)

Issue 48 (May 1983),
Pages 165-167.
Also published in:
Issue 54 (Dec 1983),
Pages 84-86.
Patrick Lenoble Unexpanded panique.t64
Shoot the boats and helicopters from your submarine.

Joystick or Crsr-Down (left), Crsr-Right (right), ArrowLeft (fire).
Les envahisseurs sont de retour
(Space Invaders)

Issue 49 (Jun 1983),
Pages 166-167.
Francois Dervaux Unexpanded space invaders.prg
Shoot the aliens, and avoid the blue ship that blocks your missiles.

Crsr-Down (left), Crsr-Right (right), Space (fire).
Vol de l'oiseau
(Flight of the bird)

Issue 49 (Jun 1983),
Page 257.
Max Hagenburger Unexpanded vol oiseau.prg
Displays an animated chirping bird.

Haute resolution
(High resolution)

Issue 50 (Jul-Aug 1983),
Page 222.
Claude Larent Unexpanded haute res.prg
Draws a hi-res picture on a 200 x 225 pixel screen.

A vous glacer le sang
(To chill your blood)

Issue 51 (Sep 1983),
Pages 183-185.
Eric Bonnet 3K expansion vous glacer 3k.prg
There are two diamonds hidden among the ice blocks. You must position the diamonds side-by-side. Avoid the monster, which can be killed by pushing an ice block into it.

W (up), Z (down), A (left) S, (right), Shift (push).
Tic tac

Issue 53 (Nov 1983),
Pages 195-197.
Raymond Saxema Super Expander+3K horloge se3k.prg
Analogue clock. Note: The program runs for a few seconds, then the screen becomes corrupt.

Enter the time (HHMMSS).

Issue 65 (Dec 1984),
Page 250.
Marc Simonnet Unexpanded janus.prg
Turns the font upside down.

Taupe secrete
(Secret spy)

Issue 65 (Dec 1984),
Page 250.
P Servy Unexpanded taupe secrete.prg
Programming demo showing how to hide REM statements & line numbers.

LOAD the program and LIST it.
Generateur de data
(Data generator)

Issue 70 (May 1985),
Page 209.
Denys Schmitt Unexpanded generateur data.prg
Programming utility. Convert a block of memory into DATA statements.

Modify line 0 to enter the required start & end address. RUN the program, and press Return on each line.
Papier a lettre
(Letter paper)

Issue 70 (May 1985),
Page 209.
Bernard Petrisot Unexpanded & MPS801 printer papier a lettre.prg
Simple word processor. The text is printed at the end of each line.

Type a line of text and press Return, then press I to print or E to retype that line. Next, press C to enter another line or A to finish.
Restore Venitien
(Venetian restore)

Issue 70 (May 1985),
Page 209.
Bernard Petrisot Unexpanded restore venit.prg
Programming demo. The RESTORE command resets the data pointer to the beginning of a program. Use this technique to restore it to a desired location.

Use memory locations 65 & 66 to manipulate the data pointer, as shown in the listing.
Clavier rapide
(Quick keyboard)

Issue 71 (Jun 1985),
Page 193.
B Petrisot Unexpanded clavier rapide.prg
Machine code utility. Type BASIC keywords with a single keypress.

Shift+Q displays "CHR$", Shift+W displays "STR$" etc.
High copy

Issue 71 (Jun 1985),
Page 193.
Marc Simonnet Super Expander+3K & MPS801 printer high copy se3k.prg
Make a hi-res printout of the screen. The routine could be merged into your own programs.


Issue 72 (Jul-Aug 1985),
Page 155.
Hubert Weil Unexpanded graph-demo.prg
Replacement font comprising 64 graphic characters.



  1. There are alternative/modified versions of the following programs:
    1. Haute resolution (83-07) : a slightly different version was published as Alta Resolución (El Ordenador Personal, Issue 24).
    2. Janus (84-12) : this was also published as Caracteres inversos (El Ordenador Personal, 85-03).
    3. Les envahisseurs sont de retour (83-06) : a slightly different version was published as Los invasores (El Ordenador Personal, Issue 28 Extra).
    4. Panique au fond des mers (83-05) : a slightly different version was published as Pánico en el fondo del mar (El Ordenador Personal, 83-06). A modified version was published as Test (Commodore Magazine, 84-06).
    5. Tic-Tac (83-11) : a slightly different version was published as Tic-Tac (El Ordenador Personal, Issue 21).
  2. Additional comments:
    1. Panique au fond des mers (83-05) was also published in Issue 54 (83-12). The listing in Issue 54 is easier to read.

With thanks to Abandonware Magazines and Internet Archive for scanning this magazine.

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This page was last updated 19-Oct-2024.