VIC-20 Listings

Magazines > Which Micro? & Software Review

Which Micro? & Software Review (GB)

Which Micro? & Software Review was a British multi-format magazine published by EMAP Business and Computer Publications. It was published monthly, apart from the first three issues which were bi-monthly. The first issue appeared in May/Jun 1982. The editors were Alfred Rolington (issues Sept/Oct 1982 until May 1983), Matthew May (July 1983 until April 1984), Hazel James (May 1984), Paul Coster (July 1984 until Nov 1984).

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12 programs

Program Author Requirements Files Info
Star Chaser
(Star Catcher)

Mar 1983,
Page 57.
? Unexpanded star-catcher.prg
Collect the stars, while avoiding the enemy ships and their mines.

X (up), . (down), Z (left), / (right).
Alphabet Soup

May 1983,
Page 59.
B M Phillips Unexpanded alphabet-soup.prg
Concentration memory game. Each circle has a letter hidden underneath. Select two letters, and they will be removed if they are a matching pair.

F (move pointer), S (show letter).

Jun 1983,
Page 55.
Pinky Unexpanded comput-a-cube.prg
Rubik's Cube program. It shows a flat representation of a Rubik's Cube, which can be used in any way you choose.

Follow on-screen prompts.
Panic Stations

Jun 1983,
Page 55.
R Nevill & R Browse Unexpanded panic-stations.t64
Platform game. Collect all the rubbish from the platforms at Paddington Station. The trains will be derailed if they hit anything.

Joystick. Note: after loading press Run/Stop & Restore, detach the tape, then type RUN, otherwise the joystick controls might not work.
Hi-Res Drawing

Jul 1983,
Page 73.
Trevor Starr Unexpanded hi-res-drawing.prg
Simple drawing program, make your own hi-res pictures.

Joystick or CBM (left), Shift (right), @ (up), / (down), F1 (clear screen).
Vic Character Definer

Aug 1983,
Page 75.
? 3K expansion char-definer-3k.prg
Character designer, make your own user defined graphics.

Follow on-screen prompts.
Vic Tricks: Scroll Demo

Nov 1983,
Pages 94-95.
? Unexpanded vt-scroll-demo.prg
Programming demo. Displays large 3D letters with a colourful border, then uses a machine code routine to scroll the screen horizontally.

Follow on-screen prompts.
Grobbit Adventure

Jan 1984,
Pages 56-57.
Kevin Bergin Unexpanded grobbitt.prg
Text adventure. You are in a cave with 20 numbered rooms, where each room is connected to three other rooms. One room contains the fearsome Grobbitt, which you can either shoot or run away from; three rooms contain bats, which will cause you to flee; one room contains a deadly pit. If you can feel a draught then one of the adjoining rooms contains the exit. Can you escape?
Type the room number that you want to move to, and follow on-screen prompts.
Grobbit Adventure

Feb 1984,
Pages 46-47.
Kevin Bergin 3K expansion grobbit-adv-3k.prg
Text adventure (different to the game in issue 84-01). You are a peasant on a quest to find a new home.

Use one-word commands: N, S, W, E etc.
Star Gates

Feb 1984,
Pages 54-55.
S Leck Unexpanded star-gates.t64
Fly through the Star Gates to collect a rare ore from the spaceport on the right side of the screen, then return to your base. Do not touch the UFOs.

A (left), S (right), Shift (thrust), Space (smart bomb).
Vic Tricks: Defend It!!

Apr 1984,
Pages 46-47.
Santa Claus [Kevin Bergin] Unexpanded defend-it.prg
Horizontally scrolling space shooter. Dodge and shoot the yellow blocks, and land on the cross.

A (up), Z (down), , (left), . (right), Space (fire).
Draw Poker

Apr 1984,
Pages 102-103.
John McKenna 8K expansion draw-poker-8k.prg
Video Poker card game. Five cards are dealt, you decide which cards to hold, and the others are replaced. Can you get a winning combination? On the bonus screen, you must guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than the previous one.

Follow on-screen prompts.


  1. The following programs are missing from this magazine. If anybody has working copies then please contact me.
    1. Domino (Apr 1983 flexidisc)
    2. Survival Chase (Dec 1983) [mentioned on the contents page but does not appear in the magazine]
  2. Flexidisc records were included with the following issues:
    1. Apr 1983 - Free Programs For ZX81 Spectrum BBC VIC 20 PET - Blockade for Sinclair ZX81, Blodhop for Sinclair Spectrum, Robotchase for BBC Micro, Domino for Commodore VIC-20, Supervade for Commodore PET.
    2. Mar 1984 - Free Flexidisc - Airbrush for BBC & Electron, Airbrush for Sinclair Spectrum, Minefield for Commodore 64, Missile Command for Dragon 32.
  3. There are alternative/modified versions of the following programs:
    1. Comput-a-Cube (Jun 1983) : a slightly different version was published as Para montar el cubo de Rubik (Ordenador Popular, Nov 1983).
    2. Grobbit Adventure (Jan 1984) : a slightly different version was published as Grobbitt (VIC Games, 1984).
    3. Vic Tricks: Defend It!! (Apr 1984) : slightly different versions were published as Dodgem Docker (Commodore Computing International, Jul 1983) and Defense (VIC Games, 1984).
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This page was last updated 27-Jul-2024.