Magazines > Commodore Magazine
Commodore Magazine (AU)
Commodore Magazine was a Australian magazine dedicated to Commodore computers, published by Computer Reference Guide. They published both original content and material collected from other publications. It was mainly distributed by mail order subscription. The editor was Mervyn Beamish. Some issues have not been scanned so there could be missing programs.
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ComMagAU.d64 |
33 programs
Program | Author | Requirements | Files | Info |
A Little VIC Music Vol 2 No 4 (Jul 1982), Pages 12-13. |
Jim Butterfield | Unexpanded | a little music.prg Screenshot |
Music program. Plays "Frère Jacques" using multiple voices. Controls: None. |
Using Your VIC 20 to Design Useful Forms (Business Forms) Vol 2 No 5 (Aug 1982), Pages 7-8. |
Joseph Siciliano | Unexpanded & 1515 printer | business forms.prg Screenshot Sample printout |
Print useful forms that can be filled out by hand. By default it prints a shipping inventory, but it could be modified for other purposes. Controls: None. |
A Userable Restore Vol 2 No 5 (Aug 1982), Pages 11-12. |
Brad Fisher | Unexpanded | user restore.prg Screenshot |
Machine routine that restores the data pointer to a specific line. Controls: Store the routine at address 828, then type SYS828,LN where LN is the line number containing the DATA statements that you want to read. |
Using the Programmable Character Set Editor (Tumbler) Vol 2 No 5 (Aug 1982), Page 16. |
Michael Tomczyk | Unexpanded | tumbler.prg Screenshot |
Programming demo, how to create simple animations with user defined graphics. It shows a man tumbling over. A slightly different version was published in Vol 4 No 1. Controls: None. |
Fast Forward on VIC Cassette Vol 2 No 5 (Aug 1982), Page 17. |
R G Friend | Unexpanded | fast forward.prg Screenshot |
Tape directory, use this program to help you fast forward the tape to the correct place for loading & saving programs. Modify lines 20-110 to enter the names of your own programs (max 15 characters each). Controls: Select the program that you want to load (A-J). |
Using the VIC Expansion Module Vol 2 No 5 (Aug 1982), Pages 20-21. |
Garry Mason | 16K expansion | vic expand 16k.t64 Screenshot |
Two programs that reconfigure the computer's memory so that unexpanded & 3K programs can be used with a 16K memory expansion cartridge. Both programs reset the computer, and the first program will then try to load a program called "PRG" (if it exists). Controls: None. |
Variable Manipulation Vol 2 No 6 (Sep 1982), Pages 7-9. |
Brad Fisher | Unexpanded | swap variables.prg Screenshot |
Machine routine to swap two variables without using an intermediary variable. Controls: Store the routine at address 828, then type SYS828,V1,V2 where V1 and V2 are the variables to be swapped. |
Using the VIC 1515 Printer Vol 2 No 6 (Sep 1982), Pages 34-36. |
Garry Mason | Unexpanded & 1515 printer | vic1515 printer.t64 Screenshot Sample printout |
Three program demonstrating advanced features of the VIC 1515 printer: dot positioning, character definition, and the repeat graphics function. Controls: None. |
Super Draw Vol 2 No 7 (Oct 1982), Pages 30-32. |
? | Super Expander+3K | super draw se3k.prg Screenshot |
Hi-res drawing program, create your own pictures. Controls: Joystick (press fire to draw), P (plot mode), D (draw), F (fill), R (region), C (change colour), P (pen), L (load), S (save), Shift + Clr/Home (clear screen). Some functions use an invisible INPUT statement, type the required values and press Return after each one. |
Another Voice for the VIC Vol 2 No 8 (Dec 1982), Page 14. |
Andy Finkel | Unexpanded | music using cb2.prg Screenshot |
Connect an amplifier & speaker to the user port's CB2 line, to give the computer a fifth musical voice that produces square waves. Use this program to play musical notes. Controls: A-G (play note), + (change octave), ! (exit). |
Tiny-Aid Vol 2 No 8 (Dec 1982), Pages 15-19. |
David A Hook | Unexpanded | tiny aid.prg Screenshot |
Basic extension, adds five extra commands that only work in direct mode. Controls: The new commands are: NUMBER (renumber the program), DELETE (delete a range of lines), FIND (search the listing for the specified text), CHANGE (replace specified text with something else), KILL (disable this extension). |
Electronic Christmas Card Vol 2 No 8 (Dec 1982), Page 37. |
Dr Bruce Downing | Unexpanded | christmas card.prg Screenshot |
Festive music program. Plays "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Controls: None. |
25 Columns of 30 Rows Screen Display Vol 3 No 1 (Mar 1983), Pages 21 & 34. |
Colin Price | Unexpanded | 25x30 screen.t64 Screenshot |
Expand the screen to 25 columns by 30 rows. Carriage returns no longer align with the left side of the screen. Also includes a demo program that fills the screen with random characters. Controls: None. |
Snoopy Vol 3 No 1 (Mar 1983), Page 35. |
? | Unexpanded | snoopy.prg Screenshot |
Displays a hi-res picture of the cartoon character Snoopy. Controls: None. |
Concurrent Chimer Vol 3 No 2 (May 1983), Pages 55-60. |
Dirk Williams | Unexpanded | concurr chimer.prg Screenshot |
Machine code IRQ routine that displays a clock a the top of the screen, and plays the Westminster chimes every hour. Note: there might be a bug, it doesn't switch the sound off after playing the chimes. Controls: Enter the current time (HHMMSS). |
VIC Baseball Vol 3 No 2 (May 1983), Page 63. |
Mark Biggs | Unexpanded | baseball.prg Screenshot |
Baseball game for two players. Team #1 is the home team and team #2 are the visitors. The crowd cheers when the home team play well, and when the visiting team plays badly. Controls: F (fast ball), C (change-up), E (curve left), R (curve right), P (swing bat). |
VIC Music Vol 3 No 6 (Nov 1983), Pages 12-16. |
David Bergmeier | 16K expansion | jesu 16k.t64 Screenshot |
Music program. Plays "Jesu, King of Joy and Gladness" by J.S. Bach, using multiple voices. Note: the first part resets the computer and automatically loads the second part, you must then type RUN to continue. Controls: None. |
Number Presentation (Decimal Display) Vol 4 No 1 (Jun 1984), Page 6. |
Mike Rychter | Unexpanded | decimal display.prg Screenshot |
Subroutine that converts the variable 'ip' into a formatted output. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Tumbler (Game Graphics) Vol 4 No 1 (Jun 1984), Page 31. |
? | Unexpanded | tumbler gfx.prg Screenshot |
Programming demo, how to create simple animations with user defined graphics. It shows a man tumbling over. This is a slightly different version of Tumbler from Vol 2 No 5. Controls: None. |
Cassette Directory Vol 4 No 1 (Jun 1984), Pages 44-45. |
Stephen Lee | Unexpanded | cassette dir.prg Screenshot |
Tape directory, use this program to help you fast forward the tape to the correct place for loading & saving programs. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
The VIC 1520 Printer/Plotter Vol 4 No 2 (Aug 1984), Pages 41-43. |
Jim Gracely | Unexpanded & 1520 plotter | 1520 plotter.t64 Screenshot |
Three programs that print geometric designs on the 1520 plotter. They are: Cubic Spiral, Graphix, Geosnail. Controls: None. |
Moonlander Vol 4 No 2 (Aug 1984), Page 46. Vol 4 No 3 (Oct 1984), Page 14. |
Paul Elvey | Unexpanded | moonlander.prg Screenshot |
Lunar Lander game. Land your fragile craft on the moon's surface. Controls: F1 (increase thrust), F3 (decrease thrust), F7 (play again). |
Mastermind Vol 4 No 2 (Aug 1984), Page 46. Vol 4 No 3 (Oct 1984), Page 14. |
Paul Elvey | Unexpanded | mastermind.prg Screenshot |
Mastermind logic game, guess the colour of five hidden pegs. Black means you have a correct colour in the correct place and white is a correct colour in the wrong place. Controls: Enter your guess by typing five numbers from 1-8 (1 is black, 2 is white, 3 is red etc). When the game ends press F7 to play again. |
Sound Effects Vol 4 No 4 (Dec 1984), Page 40. |
Michael Spiteri | Unexpanded | sound effects.prg Screenshot |
Plays the following eleven sound effects: scale 1, scale 2, bombs, explosion, laser, siren, red alert, landing UFO, birds, telephone, UFO shooting. Controls: Type the desired sound effect (1-11). |
Draw Poker Vol 4 No 4 (Dec 1984), Pages 40 & 58. |
Paul Elvey | Unexpanded | sound effects.prg Screenshot |
Video poker card game. Decide how many credits to gamble, then try to get a winning hand. Controls: Press F7 to select the bet amount (max 5), then press Space to deal the cards. Use 1-5 to select which cards to keep, or 0 to clear the selection and choose again. Then press Space again to replace the discarded cards. |
Creepy Caves Vol 4 No 6 (Apr 1985), Pages 34 & 52. |
Michael Spiteri | Unexpanded | creepy caves.prg Screenshot |
Graphic adventure. Explore the creepy caves collecting gold, climbing ladders, and avoiding monsters & booby traps. The room layout and hazards are randomly generated. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
How to Write Music Vol 4 No 6 (Apr 1985), Pages 46-48 & 54-55. |
David Bergmeier | 16K expansion | minuet in g 16k.prg Screenshot |
Music program. Plays "Minuet in G" by J.S. Bach, using multiple voices. Note: This article provided music playing routines for the VIC-20 and C64, but the music data statements were only supplied in C64 format. I added a simple subroutine that converts those values into their VIC-20 equivalents. The resulting melody may differ from what the author intended. Controls: None. |
Antonym & Synonym Vol 5 No 1 (May 1985), Page 37. |
Michael Spiteri | Unexpanded | antonym synonym.prg Screenshot |
Word quiz, test your knowledge of antonyms and synonyms by answering twenty questions. Controls: Type the correct answer. |
Supermath Vol 5 No 1 (May 1985), Page 37. |
Michael Spiteri | Unexpanded | supermaths.prg Screenshot |
Maths game, practice your mental arithmetic by solving twenty addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problems. Controls: Type the correct answer. |
EPROM Programmer Vol 5 No 2 (Jun? 1985), Pages 22-24 & 42. Vol 5 No 4 (Oct? 1985), Page 15. |
P Markowski | 8K expansion | vicprom 8k.t64 Screenshot |
Program EPROM chips using the Microbee EPROM Programmer, connected via the user port cable described in the article. VICPROM is used for programming EPROMS, don't try to modify the listing because it may corrupt the machine code. VICPULSE helps you work out what size capacitor is needed for the interface. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Directory Vol 5 No 2 (Jun? 1985), Pages 25 & 42. |
Bryan Whelan | 3K expansion | directory 3k.prg Screenshot |
Displays the disk directory. Files can be run, listed or deleted by selecting them from the list. Controls: Follow on-screen prompts. |
Data Compaction Vol 5 No 2 (Jun? 1985), Page 30. |
Paul Blair | Unexpanded | data compact.prg Screenshot |
Subroutines to compress & restore alphanumeric strings. The demo compresses a 34 character string to 24 bytes, then converts it back into the original uncompressed format. Controls: None. |
Speech Board Vol 5 No 4 (Oct? 1985), Pages 14-15. |
Paul Markowski | Unexpanded | speech prog.prg Screenshot |
Speech synthesizer. Build the hardware circuit described in the magazine, and connect it to the user port. Controls: None. |
With thanks to DLH's Commodore Archive for scanning this magazine.