1-Jan-2022 |
- Commodore Power/Play magazine
- Added 11 new programs: Peabody (4-03), Label Maker (4-03), Text Line Processor (4-03), Baudleship (4-04), Top Shooter (4-06), DB's Cheapsheet (5-02), On the Move (5-02), Sorting Techniques: The Bubble Sort (5-02), Screen Banner (5-04), The Mad Poet (5-04), Cursor Byter (5-04).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as two D64 files.
15-Jan-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 22 new programs: Quattro (84-06-15), VIC-Tastiera (84-06-15), Gotcha! (84-06-22), Circo (84-06-22), Mille Miglia (84-06-29), Incrociatore spaziale (84-06-29), Spara all'alfabeto (84-07-06), Memory Trainer (84-07-06), Bowling (84-07-13), Lancio! (84-07-13), Il giocoliere (84-07-20), Space Shooter (84-07-20), Poker! (84-07-20), Prigioniero Marziano (84-07-27), Inseguimento (84-07-27), CruciVIC (84-07-27), Nevets (84-08-03), Introduci la lettera (84-08-03), Serpentone (84-08-10), Quindici (84-08-10), 3D Tic Tac Toe (84-08-10), Il predatore del programma perduto (84-08-10).
- Your Computer magazine
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 program: Night Train (83-11) [fixed sound effects for the train horn & guard's signal].
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
29-Jan-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 23 new programs: Calendario perpetuo (84-08-24), Econometro (84-08-24), Mister Mind (84-08-24), Campo minato (84-08-31), Il pescatore (84-08-31), Calendari (84-09-07), Zap!! (84-09-07), Random Music (84-09-14), Hawkmen (84-09-14), Demon Star (84-09-21), L'invasione dei Cyon (84-09-21), Fastadd (84-09-28), Il nome della nota (84-09-28), Il tesoro nel castello (84-09-28), Ski Physics (84-09-28), Gestione degli errori (84-10-05), Tutto fare (84-10-05), Bomba a orologeria (84-10-05), Barrier Battle (84-10-19), Quilt Squares (84-10-19), Space Patrol (84-10-26), VIC Organetto (84-10-26), Bee Trap (84-10-26).
- The programs from Jun 84 to Oct 84 can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Personal Computing Today magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Astroshy (84-06), Droids (84-06).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
12-Feb-2022 |
- Compute!'s First Book of VIC
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 program: Using a Joystick.
- Also updated the D64 file for this book.
- Home and Educational Computing magazine
- Added 6 new programs: Custom Characters for the VIC (1-00), Alternate Screens (1-01), Fast Find (1-01), Automatic Line Numbers (1-01), Using the VIC Joystick (1-01), The Window (1-01).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
26-Feb-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 21 new programs: Sing-Sing (84-11-02), Castle Dungeon (84-11-02), Le tre carte (84-11-09), French Tutor (84-11-09), Figure (84-11-16), Balloon Blitz (84-11-16), La tomba del faraone (84-11-23), Jackpot (84-11-30), Il coniglietto (84-12-07), Dama (84-12-14), Annunci (84-12-14), Devastator (84-12-14), Il paroliere (84-12-21), Torneo (85-01-04), Il giardiniere (85-01-04), Il tesoro perduto (85-01-04), Satelliti (85-01-11), Salto (85-01-11), Attacco letterale (85-01-18), Memdata (85-01-18), Frana (85-01-18).
12-Mar-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 21 new programs: Catalogatore di nastri (85-01-25), Dragon (85-01-25), Dots (85-02-01), Crash (85-02-01), Disegnatore (85-02-01), Fotoreporter (85-02-01), Il tassinaro (85-02-08), Tetracrystals of veluria (85-02-08), Pulcino (85-02-15), Guitar (85-02-15), Astrostorm (85-02-22), Petrolio (85-02-22), Catapulta (85-03-01), Easydir (85-03-08), Speedreader (85-03-08), Corsa all'oro (85-03-08), Jumping Jack (85-03-08), List & Scroll (85-03-15), Snap (85-03-22), Lander Pilot (85-03-22), One on one (85-03-29).
- Added a second D64 file containing the programs from Nov 84 to Mar 85.
26-Mar-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 24 new programs: Vicowboy (85-04-05), Jason (85-04-12), Preset 22 (85-04-12), Seguimi! (85-04-12), Il cacciatore (85-04-19), Difesa (85-04-19), Battaglia navale (85-04-19), Basketball (85-04-26), Star war (85-04-26), Typing derby (85-05-03), Slalom (85-05-03), Air defense (85-05-10), 3x3 (85-05-10), Bioritmi (85-05-17), Cubo magico! (85-05-17), Heli-Bomber (85-05-24), Scacchi (85-05-24), Fiammiferi (85-05-31), Joypaint (85-05-31), Stop Bug (85-06-07), Semaforo (85-06-07), Insegne luminose (85-06-07), Spacca ventuno (85-06-14), Asteroid belt (85-06-14).
9-Apr-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 19 new programs: Le parole (85-06-21), Trova le monete (85-06-21), L'accoppiata (85-06-28), Football (85-06-28), Generatore di quiz (85-07-05), Campi di forza (85-07-05), Mister cubo (85-07-12), Orrore (85-07-12), La Corona di Pietra (85-07-19), Guerra spaziale (85-07-19), Night Duel (85-07-26), Fuga spaziale (85-08-02), Duello (85-08-02), Bric (85-08-09), Rescue (85-08-09), Caduta Libera (85-08-23), La diga (85-08-23), Sotterranei (85-08-23), Il mostro (85-08-30).
- Added a third D64 file containing the programs from Apr 85 to Aug 85.
23-Apr-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 16 new programs: Corsa pericolosa (85-09-06), Mine nascoste (85-09-06), Quattro carte (85-09-13), Il pescatore (85-09-13), La pulce (85-09-20), Traffico spaziale (85-09-20), Guerra Stellare (85-09-27), Robot City (85-09-27), Battaglia galattica (85-10-04), Le palline (85-10-11), Battaglia aerea (85-10-11), Gara sciistica (85-10-18), Il saltatore folle (85-10-25), Life (85-10-25), Fallout (85-11-01), Pesi massimi (85-11-01).
7-May-2022 |
- Papersoft magazine
- Added 16 new programs: Tank contro Ufo (85-11-08), Il lupo e i 5 agnelli (85-11-08), Qui vive (85-11-15), Cinodromo (85-11-15), STM (85-11-22), Gli spiriti (85-11-22), Solitario (85-11-29), Caverne di Marte (85-11-29), Merge & Renumber (85-12-06), Fuoristrada (85-12-06), Oltre Cortina (85-12-13), Immagini (85-12-13), Difesa aliena (85-12-20), Orbita (85-12-20), Mini-Mancala (85-12-27), Paroliamo (85-12-27).
- Added a fourth D64 file containing the programs from Sep 85 to Dec 1985.
21-May-2022 |
- Commodore újság magazine
- Added 5 new programs: Péter és Pál (86-3), Winnetou (86-6), Rajzoló rutinok (87-3), Ferde Torony (87-4), Mojam Fogó (87-8/9).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
4-Jun-2022 |
- Australian Personal Computer magazine
- Added 13 new programs: Large Characters (82-06), User-Defined Characters (82-07), Connect-4 (83-01), Piano (83-04), Adventure in 1K (83-04), Special Characters (83-08), Snake Line (83-09), Joyful VIC (83-10), Spider (83-10), Starship (83-11), Programming Sound (83-12), On Error Goto (83-12), Robotank (83-12).
- Book covers
- Added alternate cover designs for the following books: 50 Outstanding Programs for the VIC 20 (Australian edition), Stimulating Simulations for the VIC (US Commodore edition), VIC Games (US Commodore edition), VIC Graphics (US Commodore edition).
18-Jun-2022 |
- Australian Personal Computer magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Vlist (84-01), Accelerator (84-02), Grid Bike (84-02), Whizzing With Words (84-03), Wordsquare (84-05), Ape King (84-05), Battle Stations (84-06), Sideways (84-06), Deathwall (84-06).
- Book covers
- Added alternate cover designs for the following books: The Mystery of Silver Mountain (Italian edition), Write Your Own Adventure Programs (Italian edition), Write Your Own Fantasy Games (Italian edition).
2-Jul-2022 |
- Australian Personal Computer magazine
- Added 11 new programs: VIC Goes Into Reverse (84-07), Monster Hunt (84-07), Hatchery (84-08), The Life Game (84-08), Flag Setting on Logic Instructions (84-09), Machine Code Routines (84-09), Gothic and Greek (84-09), Star Scramble (84-09), Flash a Message (84-12), Scroll Mode (84-12), VIC Routines (85-10).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
16-Jul-2022 |
- Australian Personal Computer magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Invaders (84-04).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- Commodore Magazine (Australia)
- Added 12 new programs: A Little VIC Music (2-04), Using Your VIC 20 to Design Useful Forms (2-05), A Userable Restore (2-05), Using the Programmable Character Set Editor (2-05), Fast Forward on VIC Cassette (2-05), Using the VIC Expansion Module (2-05), Variable Manipulation (2-06), Using the VIC 1515 Printer (2-06), Super Draw (2-07), Another Voice for the VIC (2-08), Tiny-Aid (2-08), Electronic Christmas Card (2-08).
30-Jul-2022 |
- Commodore Magazine (Australia)
- Added 11 new programs: 25 Columns of 30 Rows Screen Display (3-01), Snoopy (3-01), Concurrent Chimer (3-02), VIC Baseball (3-02), VIC Music (3-06), Number Presentation (4-01), Tumbler (4-01), Cassette Directory (4-01), The VIC 1520 Printer/Plotter (4-02), Moonlander (4-02), Mastermind (4-02).
- Papersoft magazine
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 programs: Dragon (85-01-25).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Popular Computing Weekly magazine
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 programs: Ikebukuro (82-05-06).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Your Computer magazine
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 programs: Multiple Screens (83-07).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
13-Aug-2022 |
- Commodore Magazine (Australia)
- Added 10 new programs: Sound Effects (4-04), Draw Poker (4-04), Creepy Caves (4-06), How to Write Music (4-06), Antonym & Synonym (5-01), Supermath (5-01), EPROM Programmer (5-02), Directory (5-02), Data Compaction (5-02), Speech Board (5-04).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
27-Aug-2022 |
- 34 VIC-20 Computer Programs for Home, School & Office
- Added 11 new programs: Daily Codes, Invoice Computer, Hourly Wages, Ad Campaign Profit, Media Money Massage, Sales Required For A Profit, Salesman's Commission, Unit Price, Gross & Net Computer, Executive Decision Maker, Selling Prices Of World Currencies.
10-Sep-2022 |
- 34 VIC-20 Computer Programs for Home, School & Office
- Added 10 new programs: Chinese Zodiac, Number Of Days In A Month, High/Low Bowling Score, Random Number Quality Checker, Super Slot-O, Savings Quickie, Draw Straws, Funny Similies, Birthstones, Monthly Loan Payment.
24-Sep-2022 |
- 34 VIC-20 Computer Programs for Home, School & Office
- Added 13 new programs: Foreign Capitals, Areas, Photography: Flash Exposure, Photography: Close Ups, Math Flasher, Advanced Math Flasher, Exam Score Sorting, Astronomy: Lightyears/Distance Conversions, State Geographic Centers, Volumes, Event Timer, U.S. Presidents, Class Roll Sorter.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
8-Oct-2022 |
- Electronic Fun With Computers and Games magazine
- Added 3 new programs: Spider (83-08), Color Maze (83-12), Hacker's Helper (84-03).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
22-Oct-2022 |
- Commodore Magazine (France)
- Added 9 new programs: Dessins Animés pour votre VIC 20 (84-06), Encore des Dessins Animés pour votre VIC 20 (84-06), VIC 20 et Radio Teletype (84-09), Musique sur votre VIC 20 (84-09), L'Ordinateur Juke Box (84-11), Utilitaire Pour L'Unite de Disquette (84-11), Librairie D'effects Sonores (85-02), S.O.S. (85-04), Egout (85-09).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Homecomputer magazine
- Added 3 new programs: Slalom (83-03), Robot (83-03), 3D Labyrinth (83-04).
- Fixed typing mistakes in a few programs including Fox Hunt (85-06), Collector (85-08), and Breakout (85-08). Tidied up some of the filenames. Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
5-Nov-2022 |
- Compute mit magazine
- Added lots of missing page numbers and issue dates.
- CPU magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Monsterjagd (83-09), Entenjagd (83-09), Ausbruch (83-09), Pac Man (83-10), Battlestar Galatica (83-10), Säulen-Graphik (83-10), Frogger (83-11), Bomber (83-12), Diamanten Mine (83-12).
19-Nov-2022 |
- Compute mit magazine
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 program: Dangerous Planet (85-11).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- CPU magazine
- Added 12 new programs: Quest (84-01), Golf (84-01), Höhlenforscher (84-03), River Rescue (84-03), Supertronic (84-04), Race (84-04), Tron (84-04), Mini-Soundprogramm (84-04), Cask Jumper (84-05), Magic Protection (84-05), Expedition zum Mond (84-06), Frosch (84-06).
3-Dec-2022 |
- CPU magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Schlecker (84-07), Miner (84-07), Tennis (84-08), Dangerous Planet (84-08), Mop! (84-08), Shareholding (84-09), Gallery (84-09), Gardener (84-09), Sprites für VC-20 (85-02), Decelerator (85-07).
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 program: Expedition zum Mond (84-06) - Submitted by Tokra.
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Homecomputer magazine
- Added 5 new programs: HC - Der Zeichen-Generator (83-03), Disassembler (83-03), Spukhaus (83-04), HC-Invaders (83-05), Blue Monster (84-03) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Fixed typing mistakes in 1 program: Editor fuer 6502-Systeme (83-04) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
17-Dec-2022 |
- Blast Off with BASIC Games for Your VIC-20
- Added 12 new programs: Target Shoot, Bandit, Smother, Hack, and Crush, Vegas, Draw, Nerves, Reflex, Masterpiece, Decipher, Amazement, Tunnel Run, Phrase Guess.
- Compute mit magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Jumping Painter (84-42), Kaboom (84-42), Kniffel (84-42), Light Pen (84-42), Gold der Geister (84-42), Haunted Castle (84-43), Tron (84-43), Programmverwaltung (84-43), Bundesliga-Tabelle (84-43), Tank-Duell (84-43) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- CPU magazine
- Added 4 new programs: Zauberwald (84-05), Adress-datei (84-08), Begrifferaten (84-10), Sammler 2 (84-10) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Updated 3 programs: Magic Protection (84-05), Mop! (84-08), and Sprites für VC-20 (85-02) [these now work from disk] - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Homecomputer magazine
- Added 2 new programs: UFO Attack (84-05), Pingi (84-05) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Fixed typing mistakes in 3 programs: Blue Monster (84-03), Fishing (84-03), Diamantenmine (84-09) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
31-Dec-2022 |
- Blast Off with BASIC Games for Your VIC-20
- Added 13 new programs: Bomber, Sky Diver, Sky Pilot, Keyboard Tutor, Word Search, Cleanup, Bubble, Hammurabi, Memory Master, Mixup, Probe, Elimination, Deadline.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Compute mit magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Pac Maid (84-44), Venovia (84-44) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- CPU magazine
- Added 7 new programs: Grafic Painter (85-05), VIC-Clock (85-06), Joypaint (85-08), Disassembler (85-09), Old (85-09), Dir (85-11), Farb-IRQ (86-01) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Homecomputer magazine
- Updated 1 program: Editor fuer 6502-Systeme (83-04) [fixed minor bugs] - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- We have added 388 new programs this year, and ended the year with 3,816 programs in the collection.