6-Jan-2018 | - Vic Computing magazine
- Added 12 new programs: Graphics Primer Pt2 (83-03), Dam! (83-03), 3D Maze (83-03), Turning to Turtle (83-03), Multigraph (83-03), Colour Border (83-03), Half-Screen Invert (83-03), Half-Screen Scroll (83-03), Print At (83-03), Unexpanded Hi-Res (83-03), Function Keys (83-03), ASCII Convert (83-03).
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 13 programs from issue 4: Introduction 4-1, Headscratchers Club 3, Pothole Pacer, Karacta, Advert, Datamaker, Introduction 4-2, Interlox, Toolbox 3, Return Call 2, Kokup Korner, Project 1, White Line Warrior.
3-Feb-2018 | - Compute Mit magazine
- Added 17 new programs: Olympia (85-05), Flowers (85-05), Einbrecher (85-06), Tanker (85-06), Jupiter Rescue (85-06), Stuntman (85-07), Sepp (85-07), Balloon Shot (85-07), Drucker List (85-08), Flowers II (85-08), Dino Eggs (85-08), Hospital (85-09), Flipper Ball (85-09), Alien (85-09), The Castle of Dr Creep (85-10), Catchgo (85-10), Sub-Zone (85-10) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Nugget$ newsletter
- Added 17 new programs: Data Files Ideas (83-01), How Many Inputs Ya Want? (83-04), Datawriter V2 (83-04), ASCII Convert (83-04), Chopper Pilot (83-04), Datafile (83-07), Align Decimals (83-07), Combat (83-07), Hires (83-10), Bank Statement Balance (84-01), What Frequency (84-03), Car Maintenance (84-03), Datawriter V3 (84-03), Datafile V2 (84-03), Gradebook (84-03), Hundred First (84-03), Graph-List Saver (84-09).
- All programs from this newsletter can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Vic Computing magazine
- Updated 1 program: ASCII Convert 83-03 (fixed a bug).
3-Mar-2018 | - Compute Mit magazine
- Added 22 new programs: Dangerous Planet (85-11), Geo-Zaxxon (85-12), Froggies Nightmare (85-12), Tempel (85-12), Locos (86-01), Rock Me (86-01), Schneller Farbwechsel (86-01), Programmschutz (86-01), Charly (86-01), Defender (86-02), Memory Display (86-02), Formel 1 (86-02), VC-Check 1.0 (86-03), Robin at Ravenwreck (86-03), Autonumber (86-03), Mini-Karate (86-03), Shuttle (86-04), Josef in den Hoehlen (86-04), Sicherheitskopien fur Kassetten (86-04), Shoot It (86-04), Merge (86-04), Datazeilen Erzeugen (86-04) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Vic Computing magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Potentiometer Joysticks (83-06), Visiting Vic Video Pt2 (83-06), Graphics Primer Pt3 (83-06), Supergraph (83-06), Morse Trainer (83-06), Jigsaw (83-06), Movies (83-06), Upsidedown (83-06), Music Bugfix (83-06), Screen Dump (83-06).
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 13 programs from issue 5: Introduction 5-1, Headscratchers Club 4, Pennies From Heaven, Basicode-2, Colourama, Advert, Vegas Gambler, Toolbox 4, Return Call 3, Introduction 5-2, Test-Match, Introduction to Electronics: Resistance, Spaze-Battle.
31-Mar-2018 | - Compute Mit magazine
- Added 15 new programs: A-B-C Legen (86-05), 3D Labyrinth (86-05), Tron (86-05), Karate-Kid (86-06), Data-Maker (86-06), The Q-Bert (86-06), Mad Rush (86-07), Ghost Hell (86-07), Cool Rock (85-07), Bahnhof (86-08), Omega Attack (86-08), Sound Hoch (86-08), Moon Patrol (86-09), Falcons Lander (86-09), Frogger (86-09) - Submitted by Tokra.
- VIC Graphics
- Added 17 new programs: Random Colours, Map, Rainbow, Fan, Colours, High Resolution Displays, Line, Rectangle 1, Polygon, Polygon 2, Rectangle 2, Circle, Ellipse, Arc 1, Disk 1, Segment, Piechart.
- Volcanic Games For Your VIC 20
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
28-Apr-2018 | - Compute Mit magazine
- Added 17 new programs: Treasure Robber (86-10), Scrumble (86-10), Laufschrift (86-10), Cooky! (86-11), Gambol (86-11), Wostok (86-11), Ballon Hopper (86-12), Fight Night (86-12), Torch (87-01), Bomberman (87-01), Quest For Tires (87-02), Cave Fighter (87-02), Action Ball (87-03), Star Attack (87-03), Moth (87-04), Jeeper's (87-04), Monitor (87-04) - Submitted by Tokra.
- VIC Graphics
- Added 18 new programs: Graph, 3D Graph, Interpolate, Hi-Res Cursor, Character Building, Big Character, Scale 1, Scale 2, Stretch 1, Stretch 2, Rotate, Rotate 2, Rotate 3, Move, Three Dimensional Shape 1, Three Dimensional Shape 2, Three Dimensional Shape 3, Three Dimensional Shape 4.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
26-May-2018 | - Compute Mit magazine
- Added 19 new programs: Traffic Memory (87-05), Shooter (87-05), Mountain Jack (87-06), REM Zeileninvertierer (87-06), Bomb Scare (87-07), Elxanor 7 (87-07), ZS-Gen (87-08), Batman (87-08), Tauziehen (87-09), Handwerker (87-09), Fragezeichen (87-10), Wormy (87-11), Alien Attack (87-12), Super Senso (87-12), Kupka-Kola (88-01), Pac (88-01), Fred the Snake (88-02), Pixel-Graphic (88-03), Pooyan (88-03) - Submitted by Tokra.
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as four D64 files.
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 11 programs from issue 6: Introduction 6-1, Headscratchers Club 5, Hop-Line, The Zero Board, Toolbox 5, Indi-500, Crossed, Return Call 4, Introduction 6-2, Quick-Draw, Data-Comms.
23-Jun-2018 | - Adventure game solutions
- Added solutions/walkthroughs for 10 text adventure games: Adventure (UK)/Arkenstone (US) (Zap! Pow! Boom! Arcade Games for the VIC 20), Dangerous Pyramid (64'er Magazin, SI86-08), Easter Time (Home Computing Weekly, 85-04-02), Fragezeichen/Question Mark (Compute Mit, 87-10), Halloween (Home Computing Weekly, 83-09-27), Haunted Manor (VicTape Computing, issue 8), I.T. - The Adventure of the Century (Volcanic Games For Your VIC 20), The Crypt (VicTape Computing, issue 7), The Phantom of Priory Court (Commodore User, 85-10), Time Capsule (Compute!'s Second Book of VIC Games).
- Commodore User magazine
- Updated 1 program: The Phantom of Priory Court 85-10 (modified text layout for VIC-20 screen).
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 12 programs from issue 7: Introduction 7, Hangman, Headscratchers Club 6, Guess the Animal, Machine Code 1, Pontoon, Toolbox 6, Return Call 5, Preview, Basic Dictionary 1, Slalom, The Crypt.
- Volcanic Games For Your VIC 20
- Updated 1 program: I.T. - The Adventure of the Century (fixed typing errors). Also updated the D64 file for this book.
21-Jul-2018 | - Adventure game solutions
- Added solutions/walkthroughs for 3 text adventure games: Haunted House (Write Your Own Adventure Programs), Nemesis (VicTape Computing, issues 9 & 10), Rendezvous (Computer Spy Games).
- Updated 1 solution: Haunted Manor (VicTape Computing, issue 8) - added more detail, and fixed a mistake near the end.
- Computer Spy Games
- Added 7 new programs: Spy Eyes, Searchlight, Robospy, Spy Q Test, Secret Message Maker, Rendezvous, Morse Coder.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 14 programs from issue 9: Introduction 9, Tin Fish, The Sacred Crosses of Hell, Swarm, Machine Code 3, The Derby, Return Call 7, Input/Output, Red Balloons, Signal Box, End, The Pools Collector, Hi-Draw, Nemesis Pt1.
- Updated 1 program: Haunted Manor issue 8 (bug fix, the ending was not shown upon completing the game). Also updated the T64 file for issue 8, side 2.
- Write Your Own Adventure Programs
- Added 1 new program: Haunted House.
18-Aug-2018 | - Homecomputer magazine
- Added 23 new programs: Editor fuer 6502-Systeme (83-05), Labyrinth (83-05), Car Crash (83-05), Monsterjagd (84-03), Geldsammler (85-01), Zyklo (85-01), Punkte-Fresser (85-02), Star Wars (85-02), Mister Jump (85-04), Catch the Fish (85-04), Ghosts' Eggs (85-06), Fox Hunt (85-06), Collector (85-08), Breakout (85-08), Q-Bert (85-10), Salvage Crew (85-10), Dog-Fight (85-12), Schwitzbad (85-12), Earth Rescue (86-02), Tank (86-04), Terra 2 (86-06), Pac-Ball (86-06), Economy (86-08) - Most of these were submitted by Tokra.
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Pixel magazine
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 14 programs from issue 10: Introduction 10, Quast, Buggy, Whirley, Coin Pot, Bomb Scare, City Saver, Machine Code 4, Return Call 8, Yahtsee, Brick It, Turbo, The Renumber Program, Nemesis Pt2.
15-Sep-2018 | - Adventure game solutions
- Added solutions/walkthroughs for 2 text adventure games: Micro Puzzle (Weird Computer Games), Treasure Island (VicTape Computing, issue 11).
- VIC-20 Games, Graphics, and Applications
- Added 20 new programs: Computer ESP, Mind Reading, Auto Cost, Space Command, Album Timer, Cost Estimator, Reaction Timer, Stock Market, Bulletin Board, Kitchen Timer, Bingo, Floor Planner, Cookie Shop, Black Book, Motor Race, VIC Organ, Barrier Run, Pop!, Auto Writer, Urban Renewer.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- VicTape Computing magazine
- Added all 10 programs from issue 11: Introduction 11-1, Card Dealer, Mine-Field, Chopper Run, Letter, Rocket Dock, Introduction 11-2, Super CHUG, Treasure Island, Elements.
- Weird Computer Games
- Added 6 new programs: Tower of Terror, Skulls of the Pyramid, Monster Wrestling, Jaws, Flying Witches, Micro Puzzle.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
13-Oct-2018 | - Creepy Computer Games
- Added 8 new programs: Computer Nightmare, Number Wizard, Ghost Guzzler, Spiderwoman, Grave Digger, Mad House, Ghost Maze, Seance.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Vic Computing magazine
- Added 13 new programs: Graphics Primer Pt4 (83-08), Your Own INPUT Routine? (83-08), Looking after the Pennies (83-08), Visiting Vic Video Pt3 (83-08), Expanded Editor (83-08), Analogue Clock (83-08), Othello King (83-08), Enhanced Task Interrupt (83-08), Pest Exterminator (83-08), 3D UFO (83-08), Polygons (83-08), Seagull (83-08), Graph (83-08).
- Updated 1 program: Russian Roulette 82-06 (fixed typing mistakes).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as two D64 files.
- Your Computer magazine
- Converted 3 multi-part programs into T64 format: SAS Assault (83-12), Toads (84-12), Sprinter (85-01).
10-Nov-2018 | - Computronic magazine
- Added 19 new programs: Hangman (84-04), Saurer Regen (84-04), Quadratische Gleichung (84-04), Bestellschein (84-06), Gluecky (84-06), Multigraph (84-07), All-Rammer (84-07), Zyklo (84-08), Meteorit (84-08), Garten (84-09), Schloss Gruselstein (84-09), Fressmann (84-10), Outlaw (84-10), Buffalo Bill (84-11), Prost (84-11), Powerpack (85-01), Joy Man (85-01), Der rasende Malocher (85-03), Frankie Goes to Pharao (85-03) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Your Computer magazine
- Added 11 new programs: Crown of Atlantis (83-09), Golf (83-09), The Vic Open (83-09), Vic-20 Graphics (83-09), Tron II (83-09), Sky Hop (83-11), Night Train (83-11), Auto Line Numbering (83-11), Pin Ball (84-01), Line Delete (84-01), Auto Number (84-04).
- Converted 1 multi-part programs into T64 format: Gridmania (83-10).
- Converted 1 mult-part programs into D64 format: Vic Expansion (83-10).
8-Dec-2018 | - Computronic magazine
- Added 16 new programs: Obst (85-05), Matron (85-05), Gestaltungsmittel fur Spielanleitungen (85-07), Race On (85-07), Cagy (85-07), Nuerburg 3-D (85-09), Duesi (85-09), Breaker (85-11), Expulsion (85-11), Brueckenbau (86-01), Jango (86-01), Checksummer VC 1.0 (86-03), Miner (86-03), Inkaschatz (86-03), Bergshooting (86-05), Booby in Action (86-05) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Your Computer magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Ladders (83-07), Multiple Screens (83-07), Race-Track (83-07), Editor of Character (83-07), Time at the Top (83-07), Parallel Printer Interface (84-02), Fly Catcher (84-02), Football (84-03), Catalog (84-03).
- Converted 2 multi-part programs into T64 format: Throttle Control (83-06), Flying Saucer Attack (83-08).
- We have added 384 new programs this year, and ended the year with 2,020 programs in the collection.