13-Jan-2024 |
- Commodore Magazine (ES)
- Added 14 new programs: Test (84-06), Alunizaje (84-07), Mastermind (84-07), Piano (84-07), Piedras a los topos (84-07), Tranvia (84-07), El Ahorcado (84-07), Ataque marciano (84-07), Pelota loca (84-07), Manzamón (84-08), Comecocos (84-08), Galáctica (84-08), Pinguino (84-08), En busca del tesoro (84-08).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as two D64 files.
10-Feb-2024 |
- Personal Computing Today magazine
- Added 3 new programs: VIC 20 for Beginners (84-07), VIC 20 for Beginners (84-08), Character Choice (84-08).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- VIC magazine
- Added 24 new programs: Codes (83-02), Renumber (83-02), Parachute (83-02), Blind Maze (83-02), VIC Music (83-02), 3D Graphics Routines (83-02), Using/Making Switch Joysticks (83-02), Occuring Letters III (83-04), Pause/Functions (83-04), Megameanies (83-04), Tank Trip (83-04), Envelope Control (83-04), Using/Making Paddles (83-04), Hi-Res Graphics for the Basic VIC (83-04), Budget Plan (83-04), Memory (83-04), VIC LOGO (83-06), Stopwatch (83-06), Ping Pong (83-06), Connect 4 (83-06), Multivoice Music (83-06), Programmable Characters (83-06), Light Pen/Digitiser (83-06), Alphabet (83-06).
9-Mar-2024 |
- ASCII magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Bowling Game (82-03).
- Compute mit magazine
- Added 6 new programs: Graphologie (84-44), Super-Rallye (84-44), Cave-Lander (84-23), Buero-Tisch (84-23), Irrgarten-3D (84-23), Karl der Kaefer (84-23) - Submitted by Tokra.
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- LOGiN magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Powered Suit War (82-05).
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Undersea Boy Marine (82-11), Ice World (84-01), Kill Dr. D (84-02), Playing Cards 51 (84-03), Super Alien (84-04), Black Ocean (84-05), 3D-Bomber X (84-06), PANP-kun (84-07), Fall II (84-08).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Various Japanese magazine updates
- Added the original Japanese program titles & author names and updated their English translations for I/O, Micom BASIC, PiO & Technopolis magazines.
6-Apr-2024 |
- VIC magazine
- Added 19 new programs: Function Key (84-02), VIC Ringer (84-02), Space Wars (84-02), Outpost (84-02), Bumblebee (84-02), Birds Demo (84-02), Disk Commands (84-02), Long Division (84-02), Dec/Bin (84-04), Search & Load (84-04), Dragon Maze (84-04), Exocet (84-04), Prelude in C (84-04), Frere Jacques (84-04), VIC-Poly-Turtl (84-04), VIC Clock (84-04), Word Game (84-04), Lettersquares (84-04), Cat (84-04).
4-May-2024 |
- POPCOM magazine
- Added 13 new programs: Move the Screen at High Speed (83-05), Monaco GP (83-05), Tiny Expander (83-05), Move the Screen at High Speed Part 2: Left and Right Scroll (83-06), Arithmetic Classroom (83-06), Pilem (83-06), UFO Attacker (83-07), Sound Routine (83-08), Star Trip (83-08), Broken Brick (83-09), Alien Crash (83-10), The Space Death's Head (84-01), Sysarf (84-02).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
1-Jun-2024 |
- VIC magazine
- Added 21 new programs: Hi Res (84-06), Datafile V3.0 (84-06), Othello (84-06), Mastermind (84-06), Fruit Machine (84-06), Fur Elise (84-06), Big Letters (84-06), Using the User Port (84-06), Starmath (84-06), Counting (84-06), V Address File (84-08), Mini Met (84-08), Hi-Res Artillery (84-08), Asteroid Run (84-08), Piano (84-08), Piano Ed (84-08), 1520 Chip (84-08), Interfacing a DR110 & ARP Odyssey (84-08), Disk Utilities (84-08), Anagram (84-08), Cities (84-08).
29-Jun-2024 |
- Computer & Video Games magazine
- Updated 1 program: Protector (83-06) [fixed typing mistakes].
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Computer Persönlich magazine
- Added 26 new programs: Block-Datei (82-06-30), Fernschreiber (82-10-06), Kfz-Betriebs-kosten (82-10-06), Musikstücke automatisch gespielt (82-11-03), Kassetten-Inhaltsverzeichnis (83-01-26), Hochauflösende Grafik ohne Hardware-Zusatz (83-02-23), Mischen mehrerer Programme im Speicher (83-03-23), Matrixinversion (83-04-06), Textverarbeitung (83-04-20), Testhilfe: zeilenweiser Programmablauf (83-05-18), Maskengenerator (83-06-01), Vokabel-Lern-programm (83-06-29), Weißt Du, wo die Sterne stehen? (83-07-13), Game of Life (83-09-07), Hardcopy des Grafik-bildschirms (83-09-21), Komfortabler Sonderzeichen-Editor (83-10-19), Programmverzweigungen mittels Tastatur-Code (83-11-17), Taschenrechner (83-11-17), Hardcopy - noch schneller und kürzer (84-01-25), Maschinensprach-Monitor (84-02-22), GOTO X (84-03-21), Adressenkartei (84-05-30), Elegante Kurvendiskussionen (84-06-27), Dataconverter (84-07-11), Gleitschrift (84-08-08), Jetliner: 727 Flugsimulator (85-01-09).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Popular Computing Weekly magazine
- Updated 1 program: Grand Prix (82-08-12) [fixed typing mistakes].
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
27-Jul-2024 |
- I.E. 6502 magazine
- Added 12 new programs: Mastermind (82-09), Large Letters (82-09), Space War (82-09), Brick Breaker (82-09), Poker Blackjack (82-10), Landing on Mars (82-10), Shoot the Duck (82-10), Grand Prix (82-10), Production of Light Pen Accessories (82-10), Frog Crossing the River (82-12), Tank Showdown (82-12), Super Maze (82-12).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Ordenador Popular magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Aduanero espacial (83-11), Para montar el cubo de Rubik (83-11).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
24-Aug-2024 |
- Chip Micros magazine
- Added 3 new programs: El aprendiz de brujo (83-11), Piano (84-02), Archivo de clientes (84-02).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Learning To Use The VIC-20 Computer
- Added 6 new programs: Translator, Butterfly, Screen Pattern 1, Screen Pattern 2, Animated Butterfly, Dynamic Simulation.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Ordenador Popular magazine
- Added 3 new programs: Enseñando a deletrear números (83-03), Explorando el Vic-20 (83-03), Fugitivo del espacio (83-05).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- PiO magazine
- Added 5 new programs: Crazy UFO (84-06), Hols (84-09), Fruits Catch! (84-12), Super Slot (85-06), About VIC Key Input (85-08).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- Super Juegos Para Todos magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Zapp: El Gusanillo del Ordenador (V1N1 1984), Esquiador (V2N8 1985).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
21-Sep-2024 |
- HC Mein Home Computer magazine
- Added 24 new programs: Jupter Race (83-11), Pauken französischer Zahlen (83-12), Flipper (83-12), Golf (83-12), Black Jack (83-12), Mastermind (83-12), Vier Gewinnt (84-01), Auf Los geht's los (84-01), Mühle (84-04), Text-Editor (84-04), Grafisch-akustisches Demo (84-04), Rain is falling (84-04), Die Freiheit lockt (84-05), Q'Bert (84-05), Falltür (84-05), Ein Labyrinth entsteht (84-05), Pferderennen (84-06), Flottenmanöver (84-06), Mampf (84-07), Sisyphus (84-09), Circus (84-10), Star Skipper (84-10), Semiratron (85-02), Senso (85-02).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Home Computer Advanced Course magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Awari (No1 1984).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Micro Update magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Bomber (83-03).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- PiO magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Silvery Door (85-10).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
19-Oct-2024 |
- El Ordenador Personal magazine
- Added 15 new programs: Melodia de Clavelitos (No 2, 82-03), Meteoritos (No 13, 83-03), El Rombo (No 14, 83-04), Pánico en el fondo del mar (No 16, 83-06), Tic-Tac (No 21), Realizad nuevos caracteres (No 22), El Tragon (No 23), El Monstruo (No 23), Combinatoria (No 23), Alta Resolución (No 24), Carrera Infernal (No 25), Mundo Helado (No 27), Los invasores (No 28), Caracteres inversos (No 34, 85-03), Pescar la línea (No 34, 85-03).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.