14-Jan-2023 |
- CPU magazine
- Added 4 new programs: Panzerschlacht (84-02), Aladin (84-02), Froschfänger (84-11), Rallye (84-11).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Which Micro? & Software Review magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Star Chaser (83-03), Alphabet Soup (83-05), Hi-Res Drawing (83-07), Vic Character Definer (83-08), Vic Tricks: Scroll Demo (83-11), Grobbit Adventure (84-01), Grobbit Adventure (84-02), Star Gates (84-02), Vic Tricks: Defend It!! (84-04), Draw Poker (84-10).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
28-Jan-2023 |
- CPU magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Synthisound (84-12), Underground (84-12).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- Tast! magazine
- Added 3 new programs: Ghost (87-01), Pladekartotek (87-02), King-Kong (87-04).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
11-Feb-2023 |
- Bitvadász magazine
- Added 1 new program: Szellemkerülő (86-01).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Computer & Video Games magazine
- Updated 1 program: Pacman (82-09) [fixed typing mistakes].
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
- PiO magazine
- Added 3 new programs: Time Travel (83-01), Mr. Dan (83-02), Potato Panic (85-01).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Popular Computing Weekly magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Airfox (86-01-09), Tape Directory (86-08-21).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
25-Feb-2023 |
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Nudel Shop (84-09), Bombing (84-10), Bacura (84-11), Fake Alien (85-01), Star Dust (85-02), Pro Tennis (85-03), The God of Death (85-04), The Harikomi (85-06),The Death's Room (85-07), Box Maze (85-08).
- PiO magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Igo Librar (83-01) [submitted by Simon Rowe], Meteor Fight (83-02).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
11-Mar-2023 |
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Rock Climber (85-09), Combat in Maze (85-10), VAT Animation Tool (85-10), Cosmo Fighter Alfa-1 (85-11), Mazy Ball (85-12), Dracula House (86-01), Balloon Game (86-02), Helicopter (86-03), VIC ♥ VIC (86-04).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Which Micro? & Software Review magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Comput-a-Cube (83-06), Panic Stations (83-06).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
25-Mar-2023 |
- Commodore 64/VIC 20 BASIC
- Added 13 new programs: Flag, Jeff, Population, Economy, Interactive Drawing, Fighter Plane, Cards, Making Scales, Produce Clicks, Phaser Noise, Siren Sound, Hangman, VIC Organ.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Electronic Games magazine
- Added 1 new programs: L'Attacco Degli Automi (84-12).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
8-Apr-2023 |
- Dynamic Games For Your VIC 20
- Added 30 new programs: Alien Raid, Stock-Car Rally, Death Maze, Crazy Squash, Break Out, Demon Castle, Two-Up, Minesweep, Pontoon, Survival, Outer Space Mines Inc., Color Drawing, Enchanted Forest, Psychologist, Stock Market, Caverns of Mars, Russian Roulette, A Day at the Races, Century, Space Station, Bug!, Alpine Skier, Space Defender, Lander, Reaction, London Town, Alarm Clock, Word Sorter, Animated Sign, Dungeon Dice - submitted by Simon Rowe.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
22-Apr-2023 |
- Australian Personal Computer magazine
- Updated 1 program: Whizzing With Words (84-03) [fixed typing mistakes].
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- Computer Answers magazine
- Added 4 new programs: Playing on Words (84-03), Got a Foggy Notion? (84-03), Whizzing With Words (84-03), Battle Stations! (84-05).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Home Computer magazine
- Added 10 new programs: Sword Land (84-05), Auto Numerazione (84-05), Il controllo del cursore (84-06), Grafica Tridomensionale (84-06), I tasti di funzione (84-07), Grand Prix (84-07), E noi suoneremo i nostri VIC (84-07), Crazy Drinker (84-07), Big Match (84-08), Poliedro (84-08).
- PiO magazine
- Added 1 new program: Midnight Runner (85-04).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
6-May-2023 |
- Home Computer magazine
- Added 12 new programs: Movie movie (84-09), Elle Emme (84-10), Message (84-10), St. James Golf Club (84-11), Sibilla Californiana (84-11), Kaleydo (84-12), Calendar parte seconda (85-01), Landown (85-02), Arkivyo (85-03), Adventure nella piramide (85-04), Multicolor (85-06), Noya (85-07).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
20-May-2023 |
- La Commode magazine
- Added 20 new programs: Le Tampon Clavier (82-06), Périphériques de Jeux (82-12), Gestion de Comptes (82-12), Utilisation mode multicouleur (82-12), Lecture du joystick (82-12), Caractères accentués à l'écran (83-04), Utilisation des Joystick (83-04), Marienbad (83-12), Variable (83-12), Auto-RUN (83-12), Petit chat (83-12), Pour déterminer la couleur du fond et du cadre (83-12), Boite a Rythmes (84-05), Saisie de Date (84-05), Solitaire (84-05), Tracé de Fonctions (84-05), Accents (84-07), Caractères accentués (84-07), Utilisation de deux magnétos avec un VIC (84-07), Copie haute-résolution de l'écran (84-07).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
3-Jun-2023 |
- Your Computer (AU) magazine
- Added 9 new programs: Combat (82-06), List Pause (82-07), Dice Roll (82-07), Function Plotter (83-09), Graphics Editor (83-09), Hangman (84-03), Another Story (84-03), Computer Cricket (85-03), Formula 1 (86-06).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
17-Jun-2023 |
- BASIC Programs for Small Computers
- Added 57 new programs: Nouns, Roman Numerals, Adverbs, Conversions, Distance, Squares, Rectangles, Circles, Square Root, Parallel Resistance, Arithmetic Mean, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Single Payment Present Worth, Uniform Series Compound Amount, Sinking Fund Deposits, Loan Payments, Amortization, Graphics Demo, Doodle, Color Code, Matching Shapes, Counting Shapes, Locating Points, Musical Keyboard, Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Buying Items, Sales Tax, Earning Money, Weekly Expenses, Saving Money, Division, Find All Factors, Prime Factors, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple, Equivalent Fractions, Simplify Fractions, Multiplying Fractions, Dividing Fractions, Adding Fractions, Simultaneous Equations, Bubble Sort, Shell Sort, Maximum and Minimum Sort, Quick Sort, Test Scores, Typing, Teeth Wisdom, Bake a Cake, Cookie File, States and Capitals, South America, Countries, Multiplication Invasion, Defend.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
1-Jul-2023 |
- Microdor magazine
- Added 2 new programs: Symphonie Pour VIC 20 (86-03), Copie D'Écran Avec VIC 20 (86-07).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- Personal Computing Today magazine
- Added 1 new programs: Speed Add (83-12).
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- Technopolis magazine
- Added 7 new programs: Music PG (82-10), Shinkei Suijaku (82-11), Invader (82-11), Hi-Res Data Creation Program (83-01), Missile Function (83-01), Space Asteroid 2 (83-03), Ski Game (83-03).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
15-Jul-2023 |
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 14 new programs: Lander (82-03), Alien Game (82-03), Hunter (82-03), Rescue Mission Game (82-05), High Way Packmen (82-05), Protect the Land of Sarada from Invedar (82-05), Nezumi Tataki (82-05), Paku Woman (82-07), Road Mystery (82-07), Dr. D (82-07), Hole Down (82-07), Fly Attack! (82-08), Jal's Pilot Test (82-08), Hang Glider (82-08).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
29-Jul-2023 |
- I/O magazine
- Added 19 new programs: Raly Up (81-08), Charactor Editor (81-08), Tiny Hires Pack (81-10), VIC 3-D (81-11), About Graphic Mode and Katakana Mode (82-01), Crazy Pig (82-03), Ex-Monitor (82-05), New Puckman (82-05), VIC Jump Table Monitor With Trace (82-06), Musician (82-08), Space Travel (82-08), VIC on a 40x25 screen! (82-09), Assembler, Disassembler (82-09), Tiny Function Key (82-10), Space Mouse (82-11), Building Alien (82-12), 2 Pass Assembler (83-02), Prolog (83-03), 3D Eye System (84-05).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
- PiO magazine
- Added 4 new programs: Death Fight (84-10), Zoukin (85-07), Danger Zone (85-09), Zena (85-11).
- Corrected the publication dates for issues 1 & 2.
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
12-Aug-2023 |
- Kilobaud Microcomputing magazine
- Added 11 new programs: Dueling Joysticks (82-09), Repeat the Sequence (83-01), Doctor Dementia's House of Doom (83-02), Machine Language Tool (83-08), Picture Magic (83-08), Periscope (83-09), Micro Money-Maker (83-09), Give Your VIC Some Character (83-10), Let's Interface It... (83-10), The VIC-Epson Connection (83-12), Seeing Is Believing (84-05).
- All programs from this magazine can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
26-Aug-2023 |
- 50 Simple, Ready-to-Run VIC-20 Programs
- Added 87 new programs: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Sums A, Sums B, Factors, Percentage, Means, Slope, Astronomical Distance Converter, Trigonometric Functions, Polar/Rectangular Conversions, Geometric Formulas, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Graphing Quadratic Equations, Matrix Addition and Subtraction, Metric Conversions, Charge Accounts, Checkbook, Gas Mileage, Household Weights and Measures, Job Jar, Monthly Household Expenses, Yearly Household Expenses, Cost of Working, Savings Account, Time/Amount, Affording a Loan, Payment Required, Interest/Principal, Balance Loan Draw a Person, Message in a Box, The PRINT SPC Method, The POKE and PRINT SPC Methods, PRINT SPC on the Constantly Reset Screen, PRINT CHR$(145), Three Methods Combined, PRINT and POKE, Color Using the POKE Command, Looping to Form a String, Separate Loops for Spacing/Coloring, Loops for Many Tasks, Setting Different Colors, Changing One Heart's Color, Rainbow Colors, Color Symbols, Color Added, Independent Movement, Diagonal Independent Movement, Complete Animation, Dependent Movement, Multidirectional Movement, User-Altered Direction, Screen Boundaries, Kick, States and Capitals, Craps, Acey-Deucy, Darts, What's My Number?, Home Free, Treasure Hunt, Tic-Tac-Toe, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Guess My Letter, How's Your Math?, Mastermind, Draw, Zoo, Amaze, Alphabet Story, On Top of Old Smoky, It Was a Very Good Year, Clementine, America, Cowboy's Lament, Froggie Went a Courtin', Single Voice Template, Old Smoky and Job Jar Combined, Multiple Voice Template 1, Multiple Voice Template 2, Multiple Voice Template 3, Main Categories, Cakes Subcategories, Lemon Cake, Beef Subcategories.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
9-Sep-2023 |
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 14 new programs: Mankind Rescue Operation (82-09), Dirty Climber (82-09), Bastiu (82-09), Mega Force (82-10), Rollerpaint (82-10), Battle in the Sea (82-10), Puzzle16 (82-11), Monkey Slide (82-11), Save Dr. D Part 2 (82-12), Enemy Base Destroyer (82-12), Space-Key (83-01), Space Ban!! (83-01), Fire Rescue (83-02), Melody Keyboard That Makes Programming Fun (83-02).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
23-Sep-2023 |
- Micom BASIC magazine
- Added 13 new programs: Jeweler Sam (83-03), The Doljan (83-03), Magical Mistery Tour (83-04), Battle Fields (83-04), Berserker (83-05), 3D Missile Attack (83-05), Out of Office (83-06), War Game No.1: Naval Battle (83-07), Octopus Pot (83-08), Save the Man (83-09), Normandy Landing Operation (83-10), Spider Silk Game (83-11), Popeye and Harumi (83-12).
- Also updated the D64 files for this magazine.
7-Oct-2023 |
- Brainteasers for the VIC 20
- Added 22 new programs: Hexagon Puzzle, Safecracker, Saints to Sinners, Relations, What's Yours, Pattern Pairs, Concentration Test, Odd One Out, Decisive Hero, Western Adventure Game, Bar Charter, Stats Painter, Whodunnit, Word Search, Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind, Francis Drake Adventure Game, A-maze-ing, Spot the Difference, Detective, Wire Maze, Don't Paint the Cat, Sequence Countdown.
- All programs from this book can now be downloaded as one D64 file.
21-Oct-2023 |
- Commodore Magazine (ES)
- Added 14 new programs: Comando estelar (84-03), Sintetizador (84-03), Navegando por el rio (84-03), La flecha astuta (84-03), Campo de minas (84-03), Uso de las teclas de función (84-03), Salta ranas (84-03), Tron (84-03), El dragón temible (84-04), Aracnido (84-04), Concurso/Perro pastor (84-04), Bingo (84-05), Socarrado (84-05), Andromeda (84-05).
4-Nov-2023 |
- Commodore Magazine (ES)
- Added 14 new programs: Test (84-06), Alunizaje (84-07), Mastermind (84-07), Piano (84-07), Piedras a los topos (84-07), Tranvia (84-07), El Ahorcado (84-07), Ataque marciano (84-07), Pelota loca (84-07), Manzamón (84-08), Comecocos (84-08), Galáctica (84-08), Pinguino (84-08), En busca del tesoro (84-08).
18-Nov-2023 |
- Big K magazine
- Updated 1 program: Watch That Bunker! (84-05) [game now works and includes the missing course data].
- Also updated the D64 file for this magazine.
- Commodore Magazine (ES)
- Added 15 new programs: Simon (84-09), Minas ocultas (84-11), Batalla naval (84-11), Cálculo de intereses (84-11), Morse (84-12), Supermat 1 (84-12), Othello (84-12), Solitario (84-12), Fórmula Vic-20 (85-01), Biorritmos (85-02), Salto de longitud (85-02), Ratas (85-02), Poker dados (85-03), El Vic en el espacio (85-03), Black Jack (85-03).
2-Dec-2023 |
- Commodore Magazine (ES)
- Added 14 new programs: Electricidad (85-04), Fantomas (85-04), Aeropuerto 2001 (85-04), Editor de Música (85-05), Pekis (85-06), Campo minado (85-06), Open de golf (85-07), Invasión espacial (85-07), Caracteres Alba (85-07), Ataque sideral (85-08), Siete y media (85-08), Reloj (85-09), Estrellas (85-09), Ataque (85-09).
16-Dec-2023 |
- VIC magazine
- Added 32 new programs: Datafile (83-08), VIC Char Genr (83-08), Rugby (83-08), Pinball (83-08), ADSR Generator (83-08), Polygon (83-08), Picture (83-08), Calculart (83-08), Invader Math (83-08), Screen Dumps for Printers (83-08), Tinymon1 (83-10), Scroller (83-10), Asteroids (83-10), VIC Free-Fall (83-10), MC Music Player (83-10), MC Joystick Routine (83-10), Mathman (83-10), Packman (83-12), Artillery (83-12), Miniature Golf (83-12), Datafile V2.0 (83-12), Dec/Hex/Dec (83-12), Silent Night (83-12), Merry VICMAS (83-12), Snoopy Hires (83-12), Miauw (83-12), Kaleidoscope (83-12), VIC Kaleidoscoop (83-12), VIC Kaleidoscope (83-12), Kaleidoscope II (83-12), Tables Tester (83-12), Graph Plot (83-12).
- We have added 488 new programs this year, and ended the year with 4,304 programs in the collection.